Change for the better

LED Retrofits

Change for the better

Commercial LED Retrofits

Frankly, there are only two main reasons commercial building clients want to engage in LED retrofits (and one less common reason):

They wish to save money on energy bills, and it is very important that the ROI “Pencils Out” within a short time frame — usually within two years or so. We can make this happen. In fact, keep reading for a great LEDlife Case Study on this.

They wish to save money on energy bills, and it is very important that the ROI “Pencils Out” within a short time frame — usually within two years or so. We can make this happen. In fact, keep reading for a great LEDlife Case Study on this.

And the less common reason?

Aesthetics. They want to improve the look and feel of their buildings through improved lighting, usually by providing more and better quality light.

Why We’re the Perfect Lighting Partner

Regardless of your motivation, LEDlife is the perfect partner for your LED Retrofit:

  • Our unique knowledge base and aggressive price saving abilities allow us to help you minimize switching costs, even allowing you to retain your old fixtures, if necessary. This maximizes ROI and minimizes time-to-ROI.
  • As Certified Members of the Illuminating Engineering Society, we have the lighting knowledge to plan the most aesthetically pleasing lighting, improving the overall feel and “vibe” of your building.
  • We are seasoned professionals at retrofitting commercial and residential buildings with LED lighting (see case studies below)

Of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and the best authority on our LED Retrofit abilities are our customers:

Residential LED Retrofits

Naturally, everything previously said about our commercial retrofit abilities also applies to Retrofitting Residential Buildings.

But residential buildings also have some unique opportunities and challenges, which we are well-versed in as well.

Specifically, residential building clients want to ensure the common area lighting can’t be stolen and used in the private apartment buildings. They’d also like that lighting to be vandal and smash proof.

This is in addition to concerns about saving on maintenance and energy as well as improving the lighting quality of their buildings.

We can do all of that.

If you are contemplating an LED Retrofit for your commercial or residential building, the best way to get started is by contacting us and letting us quote on your project.